Exclusive interview: What true Parisians really think about the renovations of the new roof of Notre Dame...
(Translation: The work is just infernal. Hoses are coming out from everywhere.)
(Translation: Well, the roof came off in one day and to put it back on, it will take years... so it's better not to think about the disruption too much!)
(Translation: We're fed up, Red or black, the pipes are annoying us!)
(Translation: They're nice guys and they do their jobs, great. The black pipes, well, it's not too disturbing )
(Translation: Well, the pipes we could get use, just about but the scaffolding… no, hideous.)
(Translation: Well, look, look, the pipes literally paralyze, and with all this, it’s not just the hair that we lose!)
(Translation: Went to Rouen Cathedral to stay with my cousin for the entirety of the renovation work!)
(Translation: Hey guys! Shall we go to the Bistro for a drink?)
(Translation: With all these guys working here... oh the guys are gorgeous. Really, really beautiful...)
(Translation - top text: Oi, looking for the hammer, I saw it over there.
Bottom text: 1. Wait, let's make them sweat for a while! But no, it was the priest who took the hammer)