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Installation - "Christmases Past and Christmases Future"

The Christmases past is represented by this 3 side- pyramid and 3 legs. The fundamental basic primary family unit we can build is with two adults and a child. The male symbol, however, dominates this Triade. The act of walking away is simply referring to the notion that all wounds can heal even through death.

The magnolias are just a reminder that spring is on it's a way.

I stand in front of you, transformed and ready to take off, only to leave and leaving behind all adversities endured during childhood, some so early they could only be found as pure instinct instead of a memory. Can instinct be suppressed? I did not try. But I ensured that all feelings and emotions around that one early adverse childhood event remained contained and were not polluting my present relations with others and future generations. Accountability, Responsibility, Sustainability.

The Past Christmas is represent with this structure. The magnolias are just a reminder that spring is on it's a way.

The Christmases past is represent by this 3 sides pyramid and 3 legs. The fundamental basic primary family unit we can build is with two adults and a child. The male symbol, however, dominates this Triade. The act of walking away is simply referring to the notion that all wounds can heal even through death.

The magnolias are just a reminder that spring is on it's a way but more importantly that the birth of Jesus was also not around Christmas time but later in the year.

The Christmases Future with the number three well represented but here we gather Triade. It is the Triade that places us, humans, with everything else (Universe) and all that bind us and helps us to connect. Universe-humans-interactions.

This structure is well anchored and grounded as one should be coming out of our development phase and preparation to embrace the world around us. Science became my playground since the education of this world was held back by my parents or maybe just not understood. And so again I will face this brave new world also again.

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